Round and round

It comes as no surprise that after several years little has changed in CFM. By chasing their own tails constantly they give the illusion of movement without actually doing anything.Sure they have had an influx of new annoucers who represent the way the network wants to go – cheap and basic announcer talent that has a name in the classical music industry.They have even wood a familiar face back although I honestly believe he wasnt going to leave just rebrand himself and maintain the illusion of movement again.

Radio is a beast and has very little sympathy for the initiates.It throws them in the deep end and says, “Well off you go then” and it has shown that there is little production advice or support I can believe this was done purely for budgetary reasons after the purge of salaried annoucers and producers some years ago.

Well, it has been a while but I want to reflect on the past a lot more to show that perhaps lessons can be learned from the past rather than chucking out Father Time.I wonder if anyone can see the anomalies in their thinking as they close the door off from the past and move into an uncertain future.

I honestly believe that management will strike again soon and it will push this poor network to its death knell where it will be absorbed into a melancholic past that nostalgia sufferers will mull over as they shift to other area sin public radio..

Around and around

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